
Top Tips to Consider When Buying New Scissors

March 22, 2024

Arguably, a good pair of scissors are the most important tool a hairdresser will ever buy, but how much thought do you put into your choice?

When buying scissors, there are several dos and don’ts that are crucial to consider in order to make the right decision. Kasho Director, Benjamin Shipman, explains: “Your scissors are an extension of your hand. You are working with them all day, and without them you most likely couldn’t make a living. Instead of thinking of scissors as a simple hair tool, think of them as a tool to boost your business. The right pair will ensure you can cut quicker, easier and more precisely.”

Here are Benjamin’s top tips to remember when purchasing your scissors:

  1. Consider the type of steel in the scissors. Generally, scissors come in both Japanese and German steel, but I believe Japanese steel is superior. In my experience, it is more durable, precision perfected and featherlight to give you more control.
  2. Always look for scissors with ergonomic handles to prevent hand fatigue after a long day with clients.
  3. Consider the right size of scissor for your hand and the style you’re working on. Scissors that are too small or large can cause discomfort and affect cutting precision.
  4. Don’t compromise on quality for a lower price. Investing in a good pair of scissors will pay off in the long run with better performance and longevity.
  5. Consider the type of blade edge. Convex blades offer smooth, precise cuts, while bevelled blades are more suitable for blunt-cutting techniques.
  6. Schedule time to maintain your scissors. Regular cleaning and sharpening will prolong their lifespan and ensure optimal performance.


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