Created and produced by 2017 and 2018 British Hairdresser of the Year, Sally Brooks, along with barber and filmographer Gabriel Maciuca, the 60-minute film looks at the world of hairdressing and the incredible opportunities it offers everyone.
Sally and Gabriel travelled the UK taking to hairdressers about running a business, the world of session styling, the art of colour and the boom in barbering. See stylists such as Gary Gill, Sam McKnight, Joth Davies, Darren Ambrose, Nicola Clarke, Skyler Hanna and Robert Eaton talk frankly about their own journeys, their challenges and successes.
Sally explains why hairdressing isn’t a ‘second-best’ career; that it’s actually a career choice full of opportunity and with the ability to grow and change with you throughout your life. She takes you through the potential highlights of this exciting profession, and gives her own unique insight into what it takes to get to the very top – advice which can be translated across many other careers.
With hairdressing always topping the list of happiest industries to work in and great apprenticeships available, it really is a career worth exploring. After all, what other career can offer you opportunities as varied as setting up your own business, creating trends and even travelling the world? With your innate talents, the right mentor and lots of hard work, it could be the career for you.
The documentary is available to purchase at or call Roy on 020 7405 8111