
The Importance of Embracing Change | Natasha Grossman

June 04, 2024

Closing her exclusive series, Natasha Grossman, CEO of HOB Salons, shares her practical business expertise with you. This month, Natasha discusses the importance of embracing change.

In today’s fast-paced world, where trends evolve at the blink of an eye and consumer behaviour is constantly shifting, staying ahead of the game requires adaptability and innovation. To thrive in this challenging climate, we need to embrace the changes of our evolving landscape.

During our 41 years in business, here are the three key areas we have prioritised at HOB in order to embrace change, leverage technology and improve our client experience:

When we first launched  in 1983, the vision of HOB was very clear from the outset: creativity, consistency and service. We always knew that our business would be built on these three core values, and I believe this is the reason we are still standing strong today. As a leading brand within the industry, we have continuously invested into our team training programme and have earned an award-winning reputation for excellence as a result. Ensuring your salon team is at the top of their game will undoubtedly see you gain a return on the investment you make into education, and embracing new trends and techniques will ensure you can deliver looks that clients will love time and time again.

Embracing technology is key. From our online booking systems and investment into social media marketing to advanced salon management software, technology has streamlined our operations, enhanced our client engagement and improved our overall efficiency. We have embraced digital platforms to personalise our marketing and create deeper and long-lasting connections with our clients. Even when clients are not physically in one of our salons, we make sure they’re still thinking about us beyond the salon chair.

Exceptional client care is another cornerstone of our success, and an area we are constantly looking at improving all of the time. Creating a welcoming atmosphere and going the extra mile to exceed client expectations fosters loyalty and encourages repeat business. Building strong relationships with clients through attentive service and effective communication can turn them into brand ambassadors, driving word-of-mouth referrals and expanding the salon’s reach.

As the newly appointed CEO, I have vowed to step outside my comfort zone to foster innovation, stimulate creativity and open doors to new opportunities. It is my mission to take my incredible team on this exciting journey with me.

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