Many hairdressing, barbering and beauty businesses are preparing for re-opening and to ensure salons receive honest feedback from clients regarding the levels of cleanliness in the salon, leading salon review site, salonspy has added an additional question to their review form.
The new question, which will form part of the salonspy questionnaire, is designed to provide real time feed back, which only salons have access to. Designed to assist in maintaining hygiene standards and ensuring that each client feels safe during their appointment. The salon will be able to access the results of the questionnaire in real time, allowing them to react to points client’s make regarding cleanliness or adapt their salon policy if need be.
salonspy has integrated with iSalon, Shortcuts, Salon Genius. I.Q. Advantage, B2B, Salon Iris and Premier software systems to ensure as many salons and clients benefit from their review system. Founder of salonspy, Adam Thomas adds, “We wanted to ensure consumer confidence was at a premium with salons and that salons care about their clients. By adding a new question to our feedback form, clients feel re-assured and are free to make suggestions and salons can act upon the feedback. The client’s response is completely confidential and only the salons can see the response and it doesn’t affect the salon’s star rating.”
Darren Messais of the KH Group is delighted salonspy has added this question to their salon reviews. “salonspy is a great way of monitoring your standards of service, whether you have one salon or 500 salons,” says Darren. As soon as a client checks out and pays their bill they receive a text message with a link to a simple questionnaire. The addition of the new hygiene question will allow me to monitor our standards and ensure each salon’s cleanliness is exceeding client’s standards and expectations and if not, I can do something about it. “
For more information on how your salon can benefit from salonspy please visit