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Regaining a plan of action to take your business forward

February 02, 2021

Jo Martin is a hairdresser and brand consultant who has worked with brands of all sizes within the industry to help them develop and deliver a clear, consistent message.

From launching products to establishing brands in new audiences, Jo knows what it takes to not just stand out, but to build an effective strategy for ongoing, sustainable success.

As we have more time on our hands with the current lockdown it’s a good opportunity to take stock and ensure you have a clear idea of who you are and what you want to achieve is.

Everything we’ve all been through in the last few months has been so unpredictable, causing questions and confusion for many in hairdressing.

If you feel like you’ve lost your footing slightly and need to refocus your priorities, here are some of Jo’s tips for regaining a plan of action to take you and your business forward with confidence and clarity.

1. First of all, don’t panic. Everyone is guilty of looking at their peers and what they’re doing on social media, then panicking and thinking they should be doing more.

Putting yourself under that kind of stress clouds your creative vision and puts you in a negative mindset. Give yourself time, and don’t try to tackle everything at once.

As an industry, we’re used to running at 150mph at all times – and we simply can’t do that at the moment.

Don’t think you need to stay at the pace you were working at before – take a step back, especially from social media, to give yourself the time and space to focus.

Think about your business and your achievements. What is your expertise and what is unique to you? What are you good at? Put it down on paper – put the phone away, and write a list.

Writing this down will help you reflect on everything that you’ve done, and allow you to reflect on what you do that’s unique.

Once you’ve established what you’re good at, what makes you different and your own USP, create a personal statement.

This can just be a sentence or two, but think of it as your strapline; something that sums up your unique values as a business or individual.

2. Once you have a better idea of who you are and what makes you special, you can start thinking about a plan and defining the strategy that will help you achieve it.

I like to set SMART goals; goals which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. This helps you create a more concrete plan of action, and ensures you can measure how much success and progress you’re making.

Focus on your core brand values, your vision and your specialities. Use these to build up a plan, with small achievable goals that are realistic so you can overdeliver, rather than not delivering anything.

Having some small, achievable goals to start with will help you regain your confidence, and feel like you’re making progress.

3. Once you’ve defined a strategy and have some goals in place, put pen to paper with a 12 month calendar to achieve your plan and a strategy to achieve your goals.

Be realistic and be adaptable – it’s important to be clear on your focus, but flexible in how it’s delivered.

This year has proved that things are uncertain, but if you’re steadfast in your values and goals, you can be flexible in how you do things.

Break your plan into the four quarters of the year so it doesn’t feel overwhelming. Don’t tackle everything at once, and think about some quick wins that you can achieve without much planning and that will make a difference immediately.

If you can deliver the first part of the plan quite quickly, it will boost your confidence and help you see what you’re achieving.

4. Connect and network within the industry. Don’t be afraid to do it – reach out to people, even those you don’t know, and push yourself to go out of your comfort zone a bit.

Talking to others in the same boat will help you build confidence and realise that you’re not on your own.

Many people feel the same and by sharing with the industry network, we can grow together. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people on social media with a friendly, professional message, or to engage in conversations during online networking events.

You can even find supportive peers who will help hold you accountable to your plans and goals. Hairdressing is a friendly industry and one where people are happy to help each other.

For more of Jo Martin’s advice, visit or follow her at @jo.m.consultancy
