
Last call for tickets to see Errol Douglas MBE

September 22, 2022

An evening with Fellowship Hairdresser of the Year

Come and see Fellowship Hairdresser of the Year Errol Douglas MBE as you’ve never seen him before – unplugged and showcasing hair in a totally raw and natural environment. 

Errol, who won the highly sought-after title at the Fellowship Luncheon & Awards in December 2021, will be talking about his career, the highlights and challenges over the years and some of his favourite memories. He will also be presenting models up close and personal – while taking questions from the audience of peers and press. Errol has also won international Hairdresser of the year in two continents – Australia and Europe. 

Come along to see the hairdressers’ favourite hairdresser live, unplugged and natural for an evening of inspiration, fun and laughter. 

Held at the Shoreditch Studios in London, tickets are free for Fellowship members, and cost £29.99 for non-members. Errol says: “I’m really looking forward to my evening where I can share my stories with you, relive some of my favourite memories and take you on a journey of inspiration and discovery. It’s totally raw and unplugged – something you’ve never seen before!”

Tickets are on sale now, visit to secure your space.
