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Know your worth | Terry Longden

April 15, 2021

Increasing your prices can be nerve-wracking at any time of the year, but coming out of the lockdown it’s like a double-edged sword or realism and expectation, according to Matrix Artist, Terry Longden.

Some salons are nervous about raising their prices after lockdown as their confidence has taken ‘a bit of a beating’ with months of no work, income and communication, therefore fear that a price rise could alienate clients at a time when you need them to return!

“I think the opposite is true. It’s really important to raise our prices at the moment because we all still have bills and commitments that are pending/mounting and once we have sorted out the tsunami of returning clients there will be a lull before bookings start to balance themselves out. This is not the time for discounts or offers.

“We should all take into account we now have added costs of PPE, raised bills – whether it’s from utilities and/or salon suppliers – combined with one client at a time and longer appointments to avoid too much traffic in the salon (which can increase Covid-19 transmission) decreases a salon’s usual income.

“I raised my prices for reopening which fortunately coincides with the start of the financial year – and it wasn’t as controversial as you might think. I personally communicated this information with my clients when booking them in for the return of business, explaining that for me to continue my care for their hair and rising external costs, a small annual price review will be the future norm.”

Terry’s top tips for increasing your prices if you haven’t already done so

1 NEVER apologise for knowing your worth. Explain the reasons for the increase as a goal to continue to create a professional and safe environment to provide an expert service, professional products and advice.

2 If you’ve decided not to increase your prices at this point in time it would probably be an opportunity to pre-empt the subject for a later date in the year as you will need to address the financial shortfall sooner or later.

3 Be realistic and open with your clients – prices everywhere have gone up, so explain to them that you have had to purchase extra PPE, have restrictions on amount of people in the salon and rent and bills have increased. They won’t be surprised and most will be happy to pay a small increase.

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