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JUST SAY NO to Chemicals Down the Drain | Sustainable Memo

August 19, 2024


Green Salon Collective (GSC)’s latest industry report has discovered that a staggering 25% of chemicals used in hairdressing salons annually end up in landfills or down the drain.

Since many of the chemicals used in hairdressing are hazardous to marine life, it is crucial that they are prevented from entering the water system. Whist salon wastewater goes through treatment, not all the chemicals are effectively filtered – instead, they end up being discharged into waterways, such as rivers and oceans, as wastewater. Even when diluted by large bodies of water, these chemicals can accumulate and harm marine life.

GSC’s solution to this issue is simple yet effective: prevent chemical waste from becoming waste in the first place.

The brand’s waste collection data reveals that, on average, 1.9 kilograms of chemicals are wasted every month by salon members, equating to approximately 26% of all chemicals used. This includes both colour and any mixers or activators used, such as bleach.

Data from SmartMix also reveals that salons waste an average of 20% of colour, with some exceeding 50% before intervention, primarily due to overmixing or excessive product usage.

To combat this crisis, GSC encourages salons to take proactive measures. Salon owners are urged to measure the amount of chemical waste generated over a few weeks by collecting it in designated chemical-specific bins. At the end of this period, the waste can be weighed and the financial cost of the wasted chemicals calculated. By understanding the financial and environmental toll of chemical waste, salons can take informed action to reduce their impact.
For a detailed breakdown of the report’s findings and actionable insights for salon owners, click here


JUST SAY NO to Chemicals Down the Drain | Sustainable Memo 1

Dedicated to enhancing natural beauty through innovative and sustainable products, REF Stockholm has recently relaunched in the UK. Originating in 2004, the globally renowned haircare brand offers a professional assortment of Vegan products with Swedish values.

With a diverse range of products tailored to meet every haircare need, the brand’s offerings are deeply rooted in principles of sustainability, featuring formulas that are vegan, cruelty-free and free from sulphates and parabens.

As part of its sustainable ethos, REF has introduced a collaboration with Treedom (a tree- planting organisation) to plant the REF forest. Through encouraging CO2 and biodiversity in this way, the initiative represents the brand’s commitment to climate compensation.
Learn more about the brand here


As colour experts who care, Roar Hair and Beauty have taken significant steps to make their colour services more environmentally friendly without compromising on quality or creativity:

1/ The ordering process: Each salon has a dedicated inventory manager who uses their CRM system to predict what is needed on a fortnightly basis. By moving from weekly to fortnightly orders, they have reduced the number of deliveries, thereby decreasing their carbon emissions.

2/ Brand partnership: The salon is proud to partner with Goldwell, a company that shares their commitment to sustainability. All tubes used are from Topchic Zero, which features 100% recycled packaging to save 7.8 tons of tree wood each year.

3/ Sustainable colour bars: ROAR have invested in eco-conscious kitchen units that feature easy-access cupboards and drawers that don’t slam, ensuring that their products are well-organised and easily accessible.

4/ Client transparency: Through choosing to mix their colours in plain sight of the clients – and sometimes even inviting them to participate! – ROAR maintain a high level of openness about their colour usage.

5/ Education: The team are committed to exploring new ways to make their services more sustainable, constantly educating clients on the importance of eco-friendly practices.

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