Whats Going on

Giving Back at Q

August 19, 2019

When the team at Q Hair and Beauty, Chichester’s premier salon, heard that the local food bank was running out of supplies, they rallied round to put together a large batch of foodstuffs to help out.

Food banks often come under pressure at school holiday times, when many children are not receiving free school meals, and staff at Q were concerned to hear that some less fortunate families might have to go without because stock was so low.

They raided their larders and also added a few extra items to their shopping baskets to help replenish the invaluable foodstuff that was needed and a welcome box of supplies was taken along to the food bank.

“It was by pure chance we discovered that the food bank in Chichester was extremely low on food supplies, even more so than usual because of the school holidays,” said General Manager, Kain Lawrence.

“We put the message out to the team, suggesting we could gather some essential items together as a donation from Q to help those less fortunate than ourselves. The whole team jumped at the opportunity and in less than a week we collected a full box of food for the food bank.

“I am so proud that our team, the majority of whom are under 25, have the mindset to instantly want to give something to those who are in need. At Q we like to play an active role in the local community and we’re always happy to help out where we can.”

For more information on Q Hair and Beauty www.qhairandbeauty.co.uk
