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FAQ with Easydry | Let’s discuss disposable towels

July 18, 2022

Let’s talk all things ‘disposable towels’ with these 5 common questions that Easydry have kindly answered for you!…

Q1: Are disposable towels cheaper than cotton towels?

A1: Yes, disposable towels are significantly cheaper than cotton towels. Laundering a cotton towel costs typically £0.50 when you take into consideration the labour costs, electricity bills and all the hidden laundry costs. As an example an Easydry disposable towel costs £0.28, saving you £0.22 every time you use one. 

Salons find when they eliminate cotton towel laundry that their electricity bill reduces by up to 50%. Save up to 87 hours per week on labour costs. On average, salons waste 87 hours per month on laundry duties which includes gathering, washing, drying, folding and restocking cotton towels on shelves. Additionally salons that use disposables avoid hidden costs associated with cotton towel laundry such as:

  • Buying the cotton towels and replacing worn out, discoloured towels.
  • Purchasing the washing machines and dryers, servicing them and breakdown callouts.
  • Supplies of detergents.

Q2: Are disposable towels more eco-friendly than cotton towels?

A2: Disposable towels are more eco-friendly compared to cotton towels as they reduce your carbon footprint, water usage, toxic & microplastic contamination and general waste.

When you eliminate cotton towel laundry, you reduce your electricity usage. This reduces the need to burn fossil fuels in order to produce energy, lowering the level of harmful gases entering the atmosphere. Good disposable towels are 100% biodegradable whereas cotton towels are often mixed with synthetics, polyester and other plastics that simply do not break down for thousands of years. When cotton towels are thrown out they end up in landfills. Landfill sites can have a significant negative on the environment and wildlife. An average washing load containing synthetic and polyester fabrics release up to 700,000 individual microplastics and 50 litres of chemically contaminated water into our rivers and oceans.

  • Most salons use bleach to clean their towels which can contaminate the surroundings further.

A typical salon uses a staggering 60,000 litres of water each year on laundry alone. When you make the switch to disposables you are able to reduce salon’s water waste, helping our planet. Additionally, cultivation of Easydry’s raw materials uses approximately 40 times less water than the cultivation of cotton.

Q3: How will my clients and staff react to disposable towels?

A3: The vast majority of salon owners say their staff love how disposable towels perform. Easydry towels, for example are three times more absorbent than cotton towels allowing salon staff to dry hair faster.

Anti-tear properties along with high-absorbency allows staff to use one towel per client. One benefit staff enjoy is the convenience of having access to a constant supply of fresh eco towels while no longer forced to maintain a fresh rotation of cotton towels with constant laundry.

Typical feedback from clients is they feel like they are provided with a premium service. They love that they get their own personal towel that has never been used on another client before. The silky fabric glides through the hair with clients commenting that good disposable towels provide a gentle and soft feel compared to cotton. 

Q4: What are disposable towels made of?

A4: There are a variety of materials and production methods used by different brands to make their disposable towels so it’s important to understand what is involved for each. Easydry towels are made using a technologically advanced process where wood pulp is turned into recyclable, biodegradable and compostable towels. Importantly, no chemicals are used during this eco-friendly process.

Q5: How do I dispose of them?

A5: You can put most (EasyDry is removed) disposable towels into your recycle, compost or general waste bin. 

Look for brands that deliver the towels in recyclable and biodegradable packaging to maximise the sustainability benefits of switching from cotton towels. 

Sustainably focused brands should be Industrial Composting, Home Composting and Seedling certified. 

If you are going to disposable towels in your general waste they will end up in landfill sites. Ask your supplier how long they take to naturally biodegrade. For Easydry for example it is within 12 weeks vastly reducing any negative environmental effects.

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