
Colour World 2023: Tickets on Sale Now!

March 29, 2023

Tickets have recently been released for the London edition of Colour World 2023. 

Spread across two days, the event will run on Sunday 14th May and Monday 15th May with the Colour Genius Awards 2023 on the Sunday evening. A new venue in central London (Hoxton Square) brings a fresh aspect to this event in its 8th year – the Shoreditch Electric Power Station.

With plans to welcome up to 2000 visitors, an individual day ticket gives access to the entire event offering. The move to a larger building and yard gives a variety of inside and outside space, inviting hairdressers to become immersed in professional colour, whether working in a salon or independently.

Around the venue each day, a minimum of 45 colour demos will take place, plus a rolling programme of education seminars and interactivity. Education, colour inspiration, product innovation, news and comment will be delivered by the industry’s most accomplished artists and leading brands. Ticket holders have no limitations on time, and no extra costs.  Finally, there is no backstage; meaning backwashes, styling bars and make-up stations are all on show.

Whilst the event offers a running theme of content, Sunday 14th May and Monday 15th May will have slightly differing line-ups – see social media for up-to-date line-ups. As well as the larger sponsor spaces for brands to show off their portfolios, the masses of ‘Colour Shair’ demo points provide opportunities to the independent colourists and freelancers at work.

To purchase tickets, visit:
