
Budget Comment from Hair & Beauty Salon Owner Tina Hollis

March 16, 2023

Tina Hollis, aka “The Lonely Boss Lady” has been a hairdresser for 26 years and for 16 years of that has owned her own salon based in Kent, where she has a 12 month waiting list.

Before owning her own salon, Tina worked as an employed stylist, a percentage based stylist self employed stylist, rent a chair stylist and a freelance stylist who dabbled in session work.

She gives her verdict on how the budget will affect hair and beauty salon owners. “For me, the first thing that stands out is that from 9 months old, you can get 30 hours free childcare, extended to 1 and 2 year olds, which will have a massive impact for our industry. So many people in hairdressing struggle to come back to work straight away, especially if you’re employed, the amount of money you spend out on childcare often means it’s not worth going to work, especially on a part time basis. My little one has just qualified for 30 hours free childcare, so I’m now £700 better off a month – as a business owner I’ve been working myself into the ground covering the cost of everything and childcare is like having a second mortgage. I’ve never understood why women aren’t supported to get back to work until their child is 3 years old. We need to see how it will be implemented but on face value it should open up the door for so many women to come back, for us in the salon we have a lot of women who’ve worked for me and haven’t come back because of childcare costs, I’ve currently got someone who’s pregnant and she will only be able to do 2 days a week with family helping because it doesn’t make financial sense to pay a nursery and come to work. However, realistically salons still need more support with cuts in VAT, some will be affected by the increase in corporation tax, and as an energy intensive industry we’re not out of the woods after today’s budget.” – Tina Hollis, The Lonely Boss Lady, owner of T2 Hair & Beauty, Kent – @tinahollismce
