Business Education Featured

Adam Reed Shares His Knowledge Regarding Mental Health

February 24, 2025

Having made a name for himself through a mixture of salon, session and editorial work, Adam Reed is one of London’s most in-demand stylists. As a big advocate for opening up on the issues around mental health, ProHair is privileged to have Adam share his experiences and knowledge with us in a new series for 2025.

A lot of people ask me, ‘how have you got to where you are in your career?’ and my response is always, ‘don’t look at what I’ve done, but listen to how I would do things differently’.

For me, it’s all about understanding your mind and identifying what you need around you. As somebody who has struggled with mental health, it’s so important to see this conversation opening up. In this new series, I’m going to be talking about how to navigate running a business with a neurodivergent mind and sharing the methods that have helped me and will hopefully help you too.

Much of what I do is around the number seven, which is a really levelling number for me. There are seven key principles that I believe will allow you to be mindful of managing a better business, so over the course of the next few issues, we will delve a little deeper into each of them. Do I do these things religiously? Categorically no (my head doesn’t allow it!), but being mindful has been a great step towards making a difference for myself, my team and my business.

  1. Headcare

    Top of the list is looking after your HEAD. There are so many things that swirl around in our heads, everything from the practical to the emotional – there is stress, there is anxiety, there is excitement, there is creativity – and looking after your head is key to managing all those elements. A lot of those feelings can feel the same and, for a long time, I didn’t differentiate between excitement and anxiety, or excitement and stress – add to that a creative force and some hyper-focusing, and you’re on the road to burnout! Every head is different, so you need to understand how your head works above all else… only then can you begin to look after it.

  2. Timing

    Managing your time wisely is another big thing. For me personally, understanding time blindness has been a total game-changer. Many people who suffer from ADHD or neurodiversity are continuously late, but I’m the opposite! My time blindness means I cannot wear a watch – it causes me so much anxiety – and I am hyper aware of being punctual. Sleep is also super important, and being in bed early is absolutely key to me being way more productive and less anxious. I always ask for breakfast meetings instead of socialising in the evenings, and my boundaries sit hard on that. If I need to be out late, I have to put that into my time management. I find the exhaustion is just so bad for my own head care. When I’m tired, I’m a nightmare – for myself and for everybody else.

  3. People

    Teamwork makes the dream work. Respect, honesty, having the right people around you and being able to talk about your strengths and weaknesses without being embarrassed is vital. For such a long time, neurodiverse people were shamed for the things that we don’t do very well, and we would see it as a real negative. But knowing your vulnerabilities is not a negative; it’s all about working with people’s strengths for a bigger picture. I often say, ‘no man is an island’ and what you’ll find is that most successful entrepreneurs and creatives will have immensely talented teams around them. My biggest mistakes in business have been not caring for my head and having the wrong people around me.

  4. Work wiser, not harder

    Seek advice, take advice and understand your value. I am not a believer that ‘time is money’; I think if you are continuously viewing things in monetary terms, you’re working towards the wrong goal. If you work wiser, then the money will eventually come. I thought money grew on trees for a long time, which is an absolute nightmare for someone who is neurodiverse. Ultimately, having value in yourself is key. I do struggle with this one, because even if somebody says I’ve done something well, I’ll question why they’re saying it. It’s all about being more mindful of how to effectively work towards your goals, both for yourself personally, and for the bigger picture.

  5. Planning

    Planning is key. Somebody who is neurodiverse may not always stick to that plan, but it’s much easier to build flesh on bones; strong foundations come from good plans. Somebody who’s neurotypical can stick to a plan, whereas somebody who is neurodiverse will go around and around. It’s exhausting! So again, that goes back to having the right people to keep you focused and on track. I struggle with too much structure, but all of us need some element of it – having a rough plan is better than having no plan at all!

  6. Goals

    For somebody who is neurodiverse, it’s the goal element that makes it easier to stick to your plans. It’s quite fundamental, but you need to timeline those goals. Whether that is for a day, a week, a month, six weeks or six months, a goal means you are continuously striving, and it allows you to refocus more easily. I am so easily distracted, but having goals keeps me structured and focused.


    Be yourself and know who you are. It’s easy to listen to what everybody says and look at what other people are doing and get caught up in comparison. It’s like society has told us where we should be, but somebody who’s neurodivergent will never be able to sit within those conventions. You need to have people guiding, nurturing and mentoring you who really know you. When you are transparent and share your true self, it can only work out for the better. Each issue, I will be sharing my own personal happiness hacks and mood-boosting mindful tricks that help me. First up, scan this QR code for the perfect pick-me-up playlist. I hope you like it!

If you are struggling with your mental health, please start a conversation with someone you trust or seek professional advice. Knowing that there are places to talk is key. MIND is an incredible place for help and support. They have some incredible resources on their website, plus an infoline and a number you can call for emergency advice.

Each issue, I will be sharing my own personal happiness hacks and mood-boosting mindful tricks that help me. First up, click this for the perfect pick-me-up playlist. I hope you like it!
