Business Education

5 People You Need Around You in Business

June 05, 2023

Businessman, award-winning salon owner and creator of two top-selling haircare ranges, Phil Smith, helps to fill in any gaps in your business knowledge.

5 people you need around you in business


Good accountants are hard to find, but solid gold to hang onto. Their interest in your business should always go beyond the basics of bookkeeping and general handling of your finances. You need one that will help you develop a strategic growth plan and help you identify tax and business cost savings. Never accept a service that only offers you an annual tax return. Discussions with your accountant should be frequent and presented in a way that helps you understand how to best cut through the figures and run your business efficiently.


If you ask me, employee management is the biggest business headache. Whether it’s keeping staff motivated and rewarded or dealing with general human issues that arise daily, I find it can be a huge time-suck unless you implement streamlined and watertight working practices. Because the HR side of your business can be the trickiest part of all, I always take expert advice when I have an issue. Ranging from a legal opinion on a contract clause, to improving our recruitment processes, finding a decent HR advisor has saved me untold stress.


If you want your brand and your business to truly take off, you’re going to need a dynamic approach to PR and marketing. Whether you see it as a short-term boost for a new start-up or a longer campaign to cement your name on the national (even global) stage, a PR with contacts is invaluable. Not only should they be able to set you up with media opportunities, they will also be able to advise on your best promotional tactics, orchestrate brand partnerships and amplify your marketing efforts.


I’m the first to admit that I’m still on a learning journey and I always will be. The minute you stop seeking out ways to grow your career and business is the time to pack up shop. I’m lucky enough to have several people who have taught me so much about business throughout the years.Valuable lessons can come from ‘off there cord’ conversations with mentors. If you haven’t already, make connections with people whose success you admire. You’d be amazed how generous successful people can be with their time and knowledge.


And finally, we all need to let off steam and – let’s face it –have a bit of a laugh about it all from time to time. Whether it’s having a confidential ‘moan’ about the state of business or informally brain storming an idea that’s been rattling around in your head, find your go-to person that is willing to listen, sympathise and never judge. Some of my best ideas have been hatched while chatting over a glass of wine in the evening or a casual dog walk with friends.

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