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5 simple style resolutions for the New Year from Philipp Haug

December 06, 2019

While January may be a time for reflection and plans for the year ahead, it’s also the perfect time to work with your clients on their style journey for the next 12 months. And if they don’t want a big change, it’s a great time to introduce them to simple style resolutions to ensure their hair stays in tip top condition.

“After a month of parties, product overload and extra styling stresses, January is the perfect time to put some hairy resolutions in place,” says Philipp Haug, international artistic director at TONI&GUY. “Working with your clients, create bespoke resolutions that are easy for them to follow and create a hair journey for the year ahead.

“The great thing about styling resolutions is they can be simple and easy to do and the results can be seen immediately.”

5 simple style resolutions from Philipp Haug

1 Talk to your clients about their hair journey for the year ahead. Do they want to grow their hair or change their colour? Find out what their hair’s desire is for the next 12 months.

2 Change the parting – simply changing the parting from side to middle, or middle to deep side parting will change the shape of the hair and they will feel like they’ve got a totally new look in an instant!

3 Introduce new styling products that can change the texture of the hair. Replace their styling cream for a mousse for added va-va-voom, or ditch the shine spray for a styling dust to add a matte finish.

4 Embrace their natural texture – give hair a break from the heated tools and embrace their natural texture. Teach clients how to use products and tools to bring out the best of what Mother Nature gave them.

5 Add a fringe – soft, blunt or sweeping, a fringe will instantly update any hairstyle.

Find out more about Philipp Haug:

Instagram: @philipp_haug
