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Combatting the Cost of Living Crisis and Loosing Clients | Hayley Jepson

September 20, 2024

Combining her successful careers as a hairdresser and a psychotherapist, Hayley Jepson is a coach on a mission. Her coaching business, The Resilient Hairdresser, has helped thousands of salon owners, stylists and freelance hairdressers navigate the fast-paced and ever-changing working environment. Here, Hayley is on hand to answer your questions.

Dear Hayley, I am so disheartened right now; I really feel like throwing the towel in. Recently, I put my prices up for the first time since we came out of lockdown. My expenses just kept going up and I was barely breaking even, so I didn’t have a choice! I was really stressed about this move as I know lots of people are struggling right now, but so am I! I thought my clients would understand, but after I sent out the text, I had three clients cancel their next appointment straight away. Some of the messages I received were really rude too. I’m completely devastated. Why don’t clients understand how much it takes to run a hairdressing business? I’ve been hairdressing for over thirty years, and I’ve always relied on word of mouth to attract new clients. Recently, however, I’ve not been getting as many enquiries, so these clients leaving me is making me feel really panicked. I’m also worried about what they might be saying about me to other people. Honestly, the whole situation is making me feel like giving up; it all feels so much harder these days.

Any advice welcome,


Hi Helen, this must have been so upsetting for you. I’m sorry about that. I get it, you thought your clients would understand that the cost-of-living crisis affects you just as much as them, and they didn’t. If I were you, I would try to think of it like you just officially reached the limit of what they wanted to pay for their hair. I know it can feel scary when you lose clients – especially when you are concerned about money – but you have to remember that it’s nothing personal.

As for the client who was rude, I would say that says more about them than you. So, try and do your best to let that go. I wouldn’t give any energy to what people might be saying about you either. What are they going to say? “My hairdresser put her prices up for the first time in three years and I’m appalled’?! You have been perfectly reasonable in your actions, so don’t let that occupy any space in your brain.

When you’ve been doing clients for such a long time before they leave, it can really make you question yourself. Here’s the thing to remember though: you may have lost three clients, but I’m sure your price increase has absorbed that loss. Plus, you now have more space for new clients who will pay your new prices. Either way, it sounds like you need a new plan and a confidence boost. You say you have been hairdressing for over 30 years, which makes us around the same age. I bet you remember hairdressing before social media – me too! You also say the referrals are not coming in like they used to, so it seems like leaning into your social media could be a smart move for you. Or how about asking your clients to leave you a Google Review? These can be great for when people are searching online for your business (it can also be a great confidence boost to read all the nice things your clients write too!). Going forward, I would make sure your price increases are more regular. At the end of the day, you have to take care of yourself financially.

I wish you all the best Helen,

