Business Featured

Making Time For Clients and Your Personal Life | Lacey Hunter-Felton

September 17, 2024

Welcome to another instalment of our monthly Q&A sessions with LACEY HUNTER-FELTON, the pioneering Founder of the co-working and freelance community: Hunter Collective.

“Dear Lacey, how can I make sure I have time for my clients without it affecting my personal life?” – Hannah Akerman, Freelance Cutting Specialist and Bridal Artist

Hi Hannah, great question. Getting on top of your schedule is the first step to managing your time. Knowing what you have booked, professionally and personally, three to six months in advance allows you to plan and communicate effectively with your clients. This foresight is essential for setting boundaries and managing your time efficiently, especially if you are working alongside other professionals.

That elusive work/life balance is tricky for many to find, especially for working parents, but creating time around childcare and family obligations is essential to distinguish between work time, family time and personal time. This balance allows you to be fully present in each aspect of your life, reducing stress and increasing productivity.

Another crucial factor is understanding when your clients are most likely to book appointments. Certain days of the week may be more popular with your clientele, so consistency in your schedule is key. Stylists who set specific days and consistently book appointments during those times find managing their workload and client expectations a lot easier.

Here are some practical ways I like to manage my time:

Plan Ahead: I always take the time to review and plan my diary. Communicating your availability with your clients and colleagues early is essential to avoid last-minute scheduling conflicts.

Set Clear Boundaries: I define my working hours and make sure I stick to them. Doing this ensures my clients understand my schedule and respect my time – this includes setting limits on when I respond to texts and emails too!

Coordinate with Colleagues: It’s so important to synchronise your schedules, especially if you work with other professionals.

Balance Work and Personal Life: I try to identify exactly when I need to take personal time and be with my family. Clearly distinguishing between work hours and personal time really helps me to maintain a healthy work/life balance.

Be Consistent: I have established a routine that my clients can rely on. This consistency in my schedule has helped build trust and created a steady flow of appointments.

I hope these tips can help you Hannah! Remember, time management and boundary setting are not just about being organised; they are about creating a sustainable career that allows you to thrive in all aspects of your life.

Have any freelancing questions you’d like to find out for yourself? Send your questions to Lacey right HERE
