
The Dark Side of Content Creation | Ben Lifton

May 31, 2024

In the midst of this current Social Media minefield, Founder of Content Kweens and Hairdressing Social Media Consultant, Ben Lifton, is a seasoned business coach with a passion for digital marketing and content creation. In the last of his exclusive series, Ben’s mission is to equip hair pros with the tools, support and knowledge necessary to market oneself professionally online.

Whether we want to admit it or not, we all know that hair professionals are no longer just ‘hairdressers’; we are content creators and marketers too. From crafting social media posts that showcase transformative hair colours to posting educational videos online, content creation has become integral for brand-building and audience engagement.

However, whilst we are constantly exposed to the glamorisation of this lavish influencer lifestyle, the reality of content creation can actually be a lot darker.

According to the social media scheduling platform, Later, 85% of contentcreatorshaveexperienced burnout. Reasons included negative comments, feeling pressured to post consistently and stress levels impacting their creativity.

So, if you’re sat there nodding your head in agreement – which I’m sure many of you are – chances are you’ve experienced some form of burnout too. The first thing to know, however, is that you are not alone.

So, if you’re sat there nodding your head in agreement – which I’m sure many of you are – chances are you’ve experienced some form of burnout too. The first thing to know, however, is that you are not alone.

Here are some strategies to help you overcome and move on from burnout:

Practise Mindfulness:
As a fellow solopreneur, I’ve felt the isolation, loneliness and anxiety that comes with owning a business. The one thing that has really helped me with this is the mindfulness app Calm, which features a fantastic daily practice called ‘The Daily Calm’. The practice guides you through a 10-minute meditation session, helping to reset your nervous system and recalibrate your thoughts.

Move Your Body:
Whilst we’re all constantly moving our bodies on a daily basis, the one thing we’re probably missing is deep stretches. Yoga With Adriene is a free series on YouTube that is perfect for beginners. It contains short flows to help you stretch your beautiful body, ensuring you’re working all parts to maintain mobility. You only get one body in life – and Adriene will help you take care of it!

Prioritise Mental Fitness:
Having co-founded an amazing brand called Wondermind, Selena Gomez is a serious advocate for mental health. This is a free website full to the brim with literature, articles and opinion pieces on how to practice mental fitness. The thing I love most about this are the emails – they include bite-sized, actionable tasks to help bring you to the present, whatever you’re doing.

Maintain Boundaries:
In the hair industry, social media is awash with characters lip-syncing to trending sounds or doing something “funny” to get the views. However, it’s important to realise that you can build your online brand whilst still maintaining boundaries. Instead of always featuring in your own content, try using B-roll content – this could be unboxing deliveries, travelling to the salon or shots of local businesses you support in your area. Try to not give 100% of yourself to social media, save some for your friends and your family.

So, whilst content creator burnout isn’t something we can get rid of completely in our industry, there are definitely ways we can soothe it. I hope these strategies can unload some of the stresses out of your daily life. To quote the OG Momager, Kris Jenner, ‘You’re doing great sweetie.’

Visit the content kweens website here
